Next month it will be 3 years that I had my op to remove prostate.
So far I have achieved my first goal which was to be alive and generally quite well. However, I know there are no guarantees but I still live in hope. My 2nd goal was to be continent - I am about 95%, which I can live with.
This just leaves ED, which is now my major challenge that needs to be overcome.
For well over a year I have been getting quite regular nocturnal thickenings. I would modestly say 40% but could be slightly more. Nothing useable but definitely some movement in the right direction.
I have reported before that if I wake up in the night I have tried to give things a helping hand but as soon as I have passed water the old todger goes down and no amount of play gets him back up. Likewise no amount of play in daylight hours works.
I have been doing some thinking. As there is some nocturnal activity the nerves must be repairing to some degree. I then ask myself why doesn't it work when I am awake. I have come to the conclusion that it could be my anxiety that is the problem.
Things happen in the night because I am not consciously thinking of it but as soon as I become aware then, well nothing! Pre-surgery there were some situations that would trigger an erection - eg a kiss and a cuddle with my wife. Since surgery this hasn't worked. On an odd occasion when I have not otherwise expected anything there has been some minor twitching. Then if I try to do anything, nothing again!
Just for the record I will say I have had regular use of a vacuum erection device and other play to try my best to keep atrophy to a minimum. My libido is also fine and equals pre-surgery days, if not more.
I admit the ED has affected me mentally and my self esteem as a man is low. I suppose there is always the feeling I am going to fail so it all becomes a viscous circle that is difficult for me to get out of.
The question is how do I get out of it and break the cycle?
Can anyone else on the forum relate to my situation? How have you handled this?
I was wondering if counselling might help. Has anyone else on the forum gone down that route? Did it help?
As I am getting near to the 3 year mark I am worried that I am now too late and I will have to accept the days of a spontaneous erection are over. That thought fills me with horror and at the moment I just cannot accept that, which increases my anxiety and the cycle begins again.
Any comments good, bad and however frank would be appreciated.
I am due to see my ED nurse later this month so I will need to make the best of this and be prepared.
Thank you for the help you all give. Apart from my wife and you I have nowhere else to turn. I will see my ED nurse again but my GP and consultant just give me the impression they are not interested in this side of my recovery.