Hi like you my husband was found to have gleason 6 cancer,psa 6.6 at diagnosis at the end of 2012 and he was delighted to be told he could have active surveillance. All was stable for 2 years,then this year the psa rose twice and is now 13.5. He had an Mir which was reassuring,but the consultant did a trans perineal biopsy a few weeks ago which has shown an increase in the areas of cancer and a rise in one core to a Gleason 7,so now he is to have another bone scan before deciding on treatment.He was 68 when diagnosed and we are both glad we had those 2 years treatment free,avoiding side effects. I must admit when we were told there was a higher grade there now I did wonder if we should have opted for treatment earlier. I have heard many men have many more years with no treatment or some never need it,then you have avoided side effects which can be quite significant. Only down now I feel is my husband is now 71,quite fit,but facing operation or radiotherapy,he has been told he is on the cusp for the operation,so would have missed out on that choice if as had gone on longer in his case.from what I know it sounds like you made a good choice,they will monitor you regularly as they did my husband. All the best.