this is always one of the hardest questions I see posted here. Sometimes when there are no options the decision is made for you. All you can ask here is for other people's experiences and how they made their choice.
Roy has made a wise post as he always does. prioritise the things that matter the most to you, most Men who post here say Living comes first. Of coursee as with all things in life there are exceptions.
You have been told up front that you will need adjuvant RT if you have surgery and RT if you don't so that kind of makes that treatment choice already.
I have read accounts from so many Men on here and a large proportion of them say they just want the cancer out of their body as quickly as possible. Those that do not have surgery as an option often say they wish they had been given that choice. As Chris quite rightly said I am a believer of getting rid of the motherload if you can, but of course radiation can also do a pretty good job as well.
Your surgeon wants to operate openly, that sounds like a wise suggestion as he can visualise a lot better and as Barry has said this can be a big advantage in removing any close proximity tissue that the cancer may have broken through to. It gives a better view of nerves that need to be spared if possible to retain full or partial erectile function and of the muscle and nerves that help control urinary function.
The histology report that comes after a surgical removal sometimes changes the clinical staging but unfortunately that can go either way.
I know if I had a partner diagnosed as you have been I would always say living was number one and everything else could be worked on later even if compromises had to be made. I would totally support surgery but would respect and support any decision because at the end of the day this is something you alone have control over.
For me the words "once you have made your decision go for it, do not look back and have no regrets" are wise counsel but you have to remember to stick with those words even if things do not go entirely to plan.
I wish you all the very best