Hi everyone,
This is my first post here, just looking for some advice I guess, or reassurance. My relatively young (57) year old dad was recently diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer - completely symptomless, he had a friend who was undergoing treatment for prostate cancer who said he may want to consider having a PSA test if he hadn't had one. My dad decided to and thankfully so as his PSA score came back as 57.
He had a biopsy on the tumour in his prostate, Gleason score came back as 4+5. I am unsure how many cores were taken as I live in a different country to my parents so only have the information they give me to go on. At the time I wouldn't have even known about asking how many cores! Within the next month or two he had a Da Vinci prostatectomy and I think they also removed his lymph nodes that were close to the prostate. Approximately 4 weeks after he had a PSMA scan to determine exactly how far it had spread - he got the results a week ago and it has spread to his bladder, bowel, kidneys and aorta.
Most of the information I have read online regarding advanced prostate cancer mentions it spreading to the bone, has anyone else had similar experiences with it being around the heart - does this mean it has spread via the lymph nodes? Should I be extra worried?
He has now started 28 days of hormone therapy tablets, he has also had a 4 month injection of hormone therapy 3 weeks prior to him starting chemo, he will have 6 injections at 3 weekly intervals. He will then start a type of radiotherapy where PSMA 617 is attached to a radioactive substance and can attack the cancer from the inside of the cells - I don't know much about the chemo or radiotherapy but here is an article with more info regarding the radiotherapy https://www.dkfz.de/en/presse/pressemitteilungen/2015/dkfz-pm-15-26-Award-winning-agent-developed-for-prostate-cancer-diagnosis-and-treatment.php
Basically, I guess what I am trying to ask is has anyone been in a similar situation regarding the spread of the cancer or the types of treatment being offered? Can anyone give me any advice or help as I am finding it quite difficult being so far from them and I am finding it hard to remain positive about his diagnosis. I thought my dad would be around for a lot longer yet and although he says the doctors seem positive, I know that they might not always tell me 100% how bad things are until they absolutely have to in order not to worry me.
Thanks in advance for any information anyone can give me.