For what it is worth I can add my personal thoughts.
ED is not unique to PCa many Men with Diabetes amd some other "manageable illnesses" who have to take medication to control their illness, also suffer. If their GP is not totally on the ball these men and their partners are never referred and given no counselling, no ED clinics and are frequently told if Viagra doesn't work or you can't tolerate it then that's it. Put up and shut up.
I totally agree that it is outrageous that any Man with this problem, for whatever reason, should not be given every help possible if a fully active sex life is important to them or their partners.
As for breast reconstruction for women following a mastectomy (single or double) then to some degree I can understand what Ray has said. No you do not need breasts to have sexual intercourse indeed some women are totally flat chested to start with, but they don't carry huge scars, or the loss of nipple sensitivity and sexual arousal that can bring. Nor the feeling that they may have lost some femininity following their surgery.
Other women can accept that their shape may have changed, they may carry scars but they are content and proud, probably made confident by massively supportive partners.
So much depends on the perspective of the individual concerned and sometimes, sadly that just possibly may not include the view of their partner.
A good post Steve and a good point to debate.