Hi Carol, did he have a G-CSF injection?
I had my first chemo (Docatexel) on Friday 23rd Oct. and a G-CSF injection (Lipegfilgrastim) on Saturday afternoon. I had no pain at all until the Sunday evening when I started getting sharp pains in my back on movement, it felt like I was 'pulling muscles' left, right and centre. Resting overnight eased it, but it was back again Monday afternoon and continued with a vengeance through to Wednesday, by which time it had spread to buttocks and legs. At times I could barely move. I also had bone pain on Tue/Wed which I suspect was due to the G-CSF. It all eased by Thursday and I was mostly pain free by Fri, I.e. a week after the chemo. I found Cocodamol + Ibuprofen works best for me.
Looking up Lipegfilgrastim, "the most frequent undesirable effects are musculoskeletal pains"...