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Lower a do pain 12 months on

Posted 13 Nov 2015 at 11:05
I'm not sure whether this is related to his prostate surgery, but my OH has had lower abdominal pain for two or three weeks now.

He says it is very localised to just under his belt buckle - ie about three inches below his belly button. Bowels normal, although gurgle, no urinary symptoms (apart from the obvious leaking, but even that's improving)

He's almost 12 months post RRP. Anyone had anything similar? He's only just told me, and can't get into the gp until next week. I'm wondering if it's a scar tissue problem?
Posted 16 Nov 2015 at 19:47

Surely not where the sun don't shine ??
Amazingly my Onco referred me to surgeon and the appt is for weds. How quick is that. My GP friend said it may be adhesions but it's rare that the peritoneum is pierced during surgery. But I have exactly the same gurgling. Elaine couldn't believe it the other night. I'll let you know what he says ok

Posted 08 Jan 2016 at 22:11

Sigmoidoscopy today. All normal. Ct scan next weds. I think this will probably be normal too. I think it's adhesions. I could be a doctor. It's dead easy....

I don't think so, although it does give massively reduced rates to those who have to attend on a regular basis- when oh was in after surgery, I had a parking pass. If cost £10 for the week. As opposed to £2 an hour.
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Posted 13 Nov 2015 at 20:18

Could just be some nerve endings complaining as they heal. I assume he is showing no signs of utine infection?

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 13 Nov 2015 at 20:38

Louise I have exactly the same problem which has been investigated as it seems to be getting worse with time. My Onco is going to ask the surgeon. I can only liken it to maybe what a Hernia is like . A whole band just below my tummy button . Bladder full hurts , bladder empty hurts , having a No2 hurts.And lots of gurgling. I think its muscular rather than something more sinister. Your man isn't good at taking it easy like me , but its strange its hitting him now !!
All the best

Edited by member 13 Nov 2015 at 21:02  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 16 Nov 2015 at 19:40
Lyn- he doesn't think so. Bowels and bladder are normal (for him!). He says there's a lot of gurgling going on, but otherwise ok.

Chris- I think it may be scar tissue adhesion. In any event, there's not a lot else there.

I sent him off to the gp this morning (kicking and screaming) and he's taken a urinr sample and a blood test. The OH came back complaining bitterly about 'more bloody fingers where the sun doesn't shine'...

Posted 16 Nov 2015 at 19:47

Surely not where the sun don't shine ??
Amazingly my Onco referred me to surgeon and the appt is for weds. How quick is that. My GP friend said it may be adhesions but it's rare that the peritoneum is pierced during surgery. But I have exactly the same gurgling. Elaine couldn't believe it the other night. I'll let you know what he says ok

Posted 18 Nov 2015 at 11:22

Hi Louise
Surgeon suspects possible adhesions but more likely a flare-up of Diverticulitis which is a western diet thing. Why it would come now don't know. Maybe the stress. He not overly worried. He took a PSA to see if it dropped after two months HT gulp.
I feel for your hubby as I am in quite some discomfort all day. Feels muscular but yes I've got all the gurgling

Posted 28 Nov 2015 at 20:36
Hi Chris,

Oh has had blood test taken, and GP has also done psa. He doesn't have a clue what it is! We see continence nurse next week- we'll ask her. The pain hasn't gone away, and it's just central above his pubic bone
Posted 29 Nov 2015 at 08:54

Surgeon now says it must be an adhesion type of thing. All scans still clear and blood test showed no digestive issues. PSA was 0.33 which shows HT has started to work. Just waiting for RT in April. I hate the pain. Exactly in the same place as Mr 69's. Hurts every time I wee , when bladder is full and badly when I need a poo

Posted 21 Dec 2015 at 23:15

Has your pain got any better? Oh says his is still exactly the same. Doesn't go away, doesn't move. It's very localised about two inches below his belly button and about an inch to the left.

He's having a bit of bowel trouble now as well. Diarrhoea mainly.

He's also lost a bit of weight, although I think this is probably down to a very heavy physical schedule in the last five weeks. This causes him to fall asleep early in the evening, so he drinks less alcohol and eats less chocolate!

Still, I've booked him a gp appointment. The GP didn't phone his results through from his last blood test so we're assuming they're normal.

I think it's going to be adhesions. Does anyone know how likely these are after da Vinci?

Posted 21 Dec 2015 at 23:39

My pains ultimately same as yours but more widespread in the whole bladder area. They have been lees REGULR , But always as painful. It is a pulling tearing feeling mostly centred around bodily movements and lifting etc. Adhesions sound right. Apparently they clear up in time.
Good luck

Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 00:11

Louise, has he been checked over for a hernia? 2" below belly button sounds classic and hernias are a risk after RP

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 17:05

He went to see his GP five weeks ago. I assume the GP checked for it. But then, I assumed when he had his first psa test that it was negative because the GP hasn't contacted him! I know he had a hernia as a child.

I'm going with him tomorrow. I'll ask the question, thank you.


Oh has pain there all the time. Doesn't seem to be related to anything in particular.
Posted 23 Dec 2015 at 18:22
Went to GP today.

Not a hernia apparently, and unlikely to be adhesions.

He's given him a referral to a bowel specialist. Deep joy.
Another thing to worry about over Xmas.

All blood tests were clear, including the psa result. He thinks it's unlikely to be anything serious. But then he thought that a psa of 9.2 was worth sitting on and waiting for six months before referral.

Anyway, he thinks it's urgent enough to get a quick referral, so we'll see.

Posted 05 Jan 2016 at 21:16
Oh has had appt today. Booked for sigmoidoscopy on Friday and ct scan next week.

The consultant thinks it's probably adhesions.

We are at the hospital three days this week. Thinking of renting a flat opposite the hospital and taking shares in costa coffee
Posted 05 Jan 2016 at 23:07

Does your hospital give free parking to cancer patients. At ours a member of staff signs a form and we get a parking permit.

Thanks Chris
Posted 08 Jan 2016 at 22:11

Sigmoidoscopy today. All normal. Ct scan next weds. I think this will probably be normal too. I think it's adhesions. I could be a doctor. It's dead easy....

I don't think so, although it does give massively reduced rates to those who have to attend on a regular basis- when oh was in after surgery, I had a parking pass. If cost £10 for the week. As opposed to £2 an hour.
Posted 10 Jan 2016 at 06:28

I wish him good luck and a successful result as to reasons. I always find it helps if I know why I've got a pain.

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 11 Jan 2016 at 19:57

You're correct of course. We'd love to know for sure what the pain is, as it's causing trouble for him. However, we are prepared to just be given a 'it's probably adhesions' diagnosis. I'd be surprised if it's anything else tbh

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