Hi there,
This is my first post and first time ever doing anything like this, however my dad age 63 was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in June, we were told the stage he was at that they could not cure it but could control it, he got 5 doses of radiotherapy and gets the hormone injection every 28 days, we were told the cancer is not cureable but can be controlable - since then my dad has took 2 mini stokes the end in October we finally got to meet the cancer specialist and he was extremely pleased with my dads progress the following week we went to see the bone specialist (cancer on bone) again he was really happy with my dad, at the end of October my dad was struggling to get from A to B with walking and always in pain until we took him to the hospital as his bowels hadn't moved in 2 weeks, after telling them about his pain in his leg we got bone scana done again to be told my dads cancer has now spread to his groin, he had to go for major surgery to get a pin put in from his hip to his knee as his bones are very brital Since then my dad has still not received any treatment for his cancer which has spread the hospital are not telling us anything his leg is starting to get sore and am scared its the cancer cause he has not had any treatment for it :( - looking for guidance.