Hope you are remembering to look after yourself as well as supporting your Husband.
I know that PSA results In advanced metastatic cancer can be erratic. Sometimes the medical team will tell you not to use them as the only guide to how treatment is or isn't working, but to also take into account how your Husband is feeling in general. In your first post you said PSA had gone from 170 to 750 now you have said that the team think the 170 in the series was an error so I am assuming the 750 is the latest. If so that is still coming down and in the right direction from the starting point.
Do you think you might have made a mistake with the name of the drug your Dr has prescribed to help your Husband to sleep, You have said abilterone , I am not a medical person but I have not heard of a sleeping drug with that name. It sounds very much like Abiraterone which is actually a specialist drug for treating Prostate Cancer.
If you can check that and post again it may help us to give you some more information.
As far as you know is your Husband part of any clinical trial for his PCa, there are several one of which is called the stampede trial.
My next question is about the pressure he has in his head, by this do you mean a physical feeling of pressure or a difficulty in coping pressure?
Obviously there can be quite different responses from people here for the differing scenarios.
Keep posting and try to make sure you take some time out to look after yourself as well.
All the best