This is one of the most commonly asked questions, so much so I have asked PCUK to look at producing a specific guidance sheet for it.
There really isn't anyone who can advise you which route to take that has to be your decision. What others can do is give you a detailed explanation of what each option entails, some medical statistics on which ones have higher success rates and the potential side effects of each. These side effects can be temporary and short lived for some and for the less fortunate prolonged or even permanent.
Weigh all the facts and information up and use that to help you prioritise what is most important to you.
In no special order things like...
Getting the cancer out
Highest chance of it not returning
Being fully continent
Retaining full erectile function
If surgery, should it be robotic, laparascopic or open.
If surgery can the nerves on both sides of the prostate be spared to give the best chance of 3 & 4
Short duration high intensity RT or longer duration lower intensity external or internal (Brachy)
Impact of travelling to and from hospital for appointments
Best recovery time ..The list is quite long!
In all of this remember Living is usually number one priority so a decision needs to be made reasonably quickly as options start to reduce when the disease progresses. However it is equally important that you ask any questions you have and get answers as soon as you can.
Finally, once you have made your decision stick with it and see it through. Mentally condition yourself to accept that your decision was made with all the facts and info before you. No looking back.
I wish you all the very best