Hello Jayne. I'm just over 12 months in front of you. Our numbers are similar- oh was 57, Gleason 9, psa 9.2. Oh found his by accident too, and you and I are the same age
My oh had RRP on Dec 1st last year. It's been a bit of a rocky road, but we're getting there. He has had some continence issues, which are improving, and has ed, which is under treatment at the moment. However, he is cancer free. Hopefully!
Some words of advice.
Get the toolkit from this site.
Try and stay away from Dr Google. If you need further info, ask someone on here
Just because my OH, or someone else has a particular side effect, or got continent quickly, (or didn't) or had pain, it doesn't mean that's how it will pan out for you.
There is no normal. Only normal for you. Don't be ruled by other's experiences. Listen. Be glad for people who are in a better position, or who have fewer side effects. Feel sorry about those who are in a worse position than you. And there are many.
It's a scary place to be. Try and take strength from the other stories on the site.
Louise x
Edited by member 14 Dec 2015 at 20:19
| Reason: Not specified