Hi Qwerty, sorry that you are having to be here on this site but if there is anywhere that will help and reassure then it is here so welcome.
I have no experience of the drugs that your dad is possibly due to have but rest assured that all the medics involved will do their best for him. These days the treatment is changing all the time and where there was no hope there is a whole raft of options now.
Please do not feel alone, you sound like the perfect daughter and your dad must be proud of you. Talk with him about his treatment and go with him to the appointments, take a note book and ask questions so that you are as informed as you can be.
Do not give up hope, ever, use this site to get information usually direct from those that have gone through it themselves.
Take care of yourself as well as your dad. He needs you to be strong and you need him to look after.
Stay positive, regards Chris/Woody
Life seems different upside down, take another viewpoint