The purpose of this post is to explain how I try to ensure I never run out of Enzalutamide (Enzo). I hope it may be of use to others. The post contains factual information that I know to be true and other information that I have deduced and that I believe to be true.
My Enzo is delivered to me at home by a company called Healthcare at Home. They are just a delivery company, they do not have the power to dispense. They only deliver my 4 weekly supply of Enzo to me if my Onco has authorised them to do so via a signed prescription. My Onco can't dispense Enzo to me willy nilly. Enzo is expensive. She only has the power to dispense if the Enzo is still working. She can judge whether it is working via the PSA blood test. Therefore, I need to have such a test every 4 weeks.
When I first entered this process my Onco said that I should have a blood test 7 days before my Enzo ran out. I thought this would be a tight timescale for the logistics required. I suggested the blood test should be done 11 days before my Enzo ran out. This was agreed.
I show below the 28 day cycle together with the actions I and others take.
Day 1 to Day 16 - take tablets, yum yum!
Day 17 - Bloods taken at my GP's practice and sent to The Royal Devon and Exeter hospital.
Day 19 - The blood test results should by now be available for my Onco to review. She's a very busy lady and it may be a day or three before she is able to do so.
Day 21 - Have Healthcare at Home contacted me to arrange delivery of my Enzo? If yes, breathe easily and continue swallowing the magic beans until Day 17 of the next cycle. If not, start progress chasing. Contact Healthcare at Home, tell them I run out in 7 days and ask them to start nagging The Royal Devon and Exeter hospital.
Day 24 - Delivery arranged? If yes, happy days. If no, progress chase Healthcare at Home again.
Day 25 - Delivery arranged? If yes, happy days. If no, progress chase Healthcare at Home again.
Day 26 - Delivery arranged? If yes, happy days. If no, progress chase Healthcare at Home again and it's getting to brown trousers time.
Day 27 - Delivery arranged? If yes, deep joy. If no, get in car, drive to The Royal Devon and Exeter hospital, start hammering on doors and don't leave until I have the magic beans in my hands.
Day 29 - Return to Day 1 above.