Hello Jayne.
My oh is 12 months post op with 50% nerve sparing.
He has been taking cialis daily for 11 months and has seen some reaction but not enough for penetration.
In the melee that was the consultations we had pre op, we thought we understood that 70% of men get their erections back post op. We were brutally disabused of this idea after seeing the ed nurse in January. She says only 10% of men regain perfect function. A further 60-70% will gain function aided in some way.
After that meeting, my oh said he would rather eat his feet than stick a needle in his privates. Last week, after a year with no penetration, we had a great evening assisted by the needle. He said it wasn't anywhere near as bad as he feared. This treatment is equally effective for those who have had no nerve sparing.
I'd like to offer the following advice to you. These are things I wish I had known when I was where you are
1. The squeakiest wheel gets the oil. If you want something, ask. Make a fuss if necessary.
2. Don't rule anything out.
3. Try not to panic. It's horrid waking up with that sinking sick feeling, but it will subside.
4. The operation day is tough. I found a local harvester opposite the hospital, took a book and the iPad and sat there for hours and hours. Plan where you are going to wait. I wanted to be alone although my mum spent some of the time with me.
5. Buy proper incontinence pads. Don't trust the nhs supplies. It's bad enough needing them without having unisex ones
Please try not to compare your situation and side effects to other people's. There is no normal, only normal for you
Try and take one step at a time.