Welcome Thomas, I have to say it is quite unusual to see a first post where a Man has gone through all the diagnosis, the debates about which treatment, the surgery and is already out the other side,
Well done you, So Catheter is out by now and hopefully your bladder is doing all that it should at this stage.
The surgery you have had is major and that goes for any method performed, so you must listen very carefully to all the things you need to do to recover as quickly but as successfully as possible.
I have heard that the new facility at Glasgow is amazing a really progressive step forward. Of course Glasgow hosts one of the most compehensive cancer research centres and medical schools as well.
There are quite a few men and their wives or partners posting at the moment in a similar timeframe as yourself as well as many who underwent the surgery anything from 3 months to 10 or more years ago. No two cases seem to be exactly the same but there is a lot of information and support available if you need it.
all the best