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Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 13:41

Went to the bathroom coughed up small amount blood. Went straight to A&E, admitted, CT Scan arranged.


Procedure CCHAPC  CT thorax abdomen and pelvis.

History; Carcinoma prostate with recent haemoptysis.

Report; Multiple pulmonary lesions are noted bilaterally in keeping with pulmonary metastases. There is also a large metatases in the chest wall on the right measuring approx. 6cm dia. There are multiple metastases are also noted in the liver and left adrenal gland.

Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy is noted in the abdomen. There are multiple bilateral renal cysts. There  

is no sclerotic bony metastases identified.

Conclusion; widespread malignancy, including pulmonary, hepatic and adrenal metastases with retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy.


Waiting results US Guided LungBiopsy

I think my days are numbered.

I have been so upbeat as you can see from my previous posts, just can't get my head around this one.



Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 17:01

Old1 I was very sorry to see your latest post and I do feel for you.

I really don't know what to say except that I am thinking of you

Has anything been said about treatment?

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 18:56

Hi Old1
As above just don't know what I could possibly say to make you feel any better. We will be thinking of you.
Chris El

Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 19:04
So sorry to read this.

All can suggest is an appointment at Velindre ASAP as they are the experts.

can you contact your oncologist for advice?


Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 19:06

So sorry about this news.....I truely hope you get the support you need at this time.

My thoughts are with you and as ever please remember you are not alone


Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 19:29

wow old1 sorry to read what you are going through, my thoghts are with you



run long and prosper
'pooh how do you spell love'
'piglet you dont spell love -you just feel it'
Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 20:49
the news is bad, worse than you may hav feared. I am so very sorry to read this post. As others have said there is nothing much we can say, all any of us can do is be here with you and provide any support that we can.

I will be thinking of you

my very best wishes
Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 21:18

Old1, I am so sorry to hear this. Not a good advert for green light laser treatment, unfortunately, but I guess when you chose such a new treatment you understood that there wasn't a lot of data on outcomes. The alternative is that this is not spread from the prostate cancer but you will know more once the biopsy results are back.

Hopefully, you have plenty of unnumbered days yet - just this horrible time of waiting to hear what the next plan is. There is usually a plan - be strong

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 22:44

Hi Old 1,

Your results remind me of when my partner's scan came up with widespread tumour development in significant organs and bone. I never gave him the entire report to read, he wouldnt have wanted to see it anyway. But you know your results and I guess you will be in shock for a while, so much of Pca involves, waiting, for tests, for PSA's and everyone wants that good news that means they can breathe again until the next time.

The hospice people have a saying ' plan for the worst, hope for the best ' which I found very helpful and realistic. Even after my partner's cancer had spread, the oncologists came up with the Saracatanib Trial, though due to his blood results, he was never able to participate, but it was amazing that, at such a late stage of disease there was something we could have participated in, so if that is your inclination, ask away for what else may be available. We are all here to support you,



Posted 24 Dec 2015 at 15:33

We'll say some special prayers for you tonight. Be strong.

TURP then LRP in 2009/2010. Lots of leakage but PSA < 0.1 AMS-800 Artificial Sphincter activated 2015.
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