I think it’s essential not to do it online. I’ve used Boots Travel for a few years now and very reasonable. This year however because of changes to my health I was asked to phone them directly. I did this and it was all ok. Most of all the conversation is recorded and the fee agreed , and you haven’t told them any lies. Even so , any form of insurance is nigh on legalised extortion and they will always do anything they can to wriggle out of paying you fair and square. My dad recently missed a holiday due to a change in health. He was insured but they wanted a letter from the airline to say he hadn’t flown , a letter from the doctor and a letter from the consultant to confirm the change etc. The flight was £350. He paid £100 for the letters. The insurance company gave him £100. You do the maths lol. You are best just not to travel abroad and feed the bu**ers £600 , than to go and get ill and be stung. I’m soon to be diagnosed advanced I expect so am having a last cruise and then it will be UK only I guess.