Hi Nidge,
I am at a different point to you on the PCa journey, but know just what you mean.
A couple of years ago when my PSA started rising again, I saw my Consultant's houseman for a regular 6 monthly check and his response was we will put you on HT, just that, no need for MRI scans etc because they had no intention of offering any treatment other than HT.
I wondered how they knew what they were doing as the only Biopsy/MRI etc was over 6 years old and I had had radiotherapy in the meantime.
So I went back to query this and was offerred salvage HDR brachytherapy, then because they intended to do something it was the full range of tests, MRI and bone scans twice etc.
But now all that treatment is over I am back on the shelf, 6 monthly PSA tests and seeing what happens, in a way it feels that I am not so important to them any more, but equally I should feel grateful, because they have done all they can for me and there is no point wasting precious NHS resources merely to see what is going on when they have no intention of doing anything any time soon.
With luck it may be some time before they get around to showing interest in me again, and who knows I might die of something else before then in which case they can add me to their batting average as a 'cure'!