Hello Everyone, Just needing someone that is going through this terrible illness. My poor dad (75) has just been Told he has advanced prostate& it's in his bones& spine. It's all a bit of a blow for everyone as 7 weeks ago he was fit,& told I was Diverticular disease,,despite his pain& losing over 2 Stone!! It was heartbreaking not seeing him getting any better,& docs telling us it was nothing sinister& now to get told all this within 5 days. He went for biopsy,but they didn't even get one,as his prostate was that large& hard& had a 300 score,Is it the end fort him as when reading through some posts this is extemly high. He got 2 hormone injections in stomach that day,then was n hospital as had a few accidents,ias incontinent& was unaware at all of this. He has just came out hospital this week& had to come out with catheter bag,it has been so distressing seeing my dad cry, it just seems it's bad news after another, He does seem slightly better since getting the HT injections,so at least he is not in the pain that he put up wih all that time. I'm sorry for everyone on here that is going through this I didn't realise how hard it is for people till happens to yourself/a loved one. Has anyone got any experience of this bad or good? Thank you