Hi all just thought I would post the side effects I am having as information for anyone starting hormone treatment for the first time. I was diagnosed with advanced prostrate cancer in May 2015 with a psa of 136 and a Gleeson score of 9.5. It has spread to my hips, ribs,spine and other bits and pieces. I went on the Stampede trial and am taking Abiraterone first thing in the morning a Steroid with my lunch and Enzalutamide mid afternoon. Also I have a Goserelin injection every three months.
Now the side effects I am personally having, although every one will be slightly different. My hair has gone very fine and soft and I don't need to shave so much in fact it is like bum fluff and it really needs a blade to remove it. I have put on weight lower down my body, I normally have tired periods late afternoon/early evening but it only lasts about an hour, something to watch for if you are driving.
My testacle's and cock have shrunk to such an extent that I need to stand closer to the loo, it also removes any desire or ability for sex. I dream, a lot! not nightmares but very vivid dreams that I can remember when I wake. I have black moods, I suppose it can be described as depression, they can last from an hour or so up to a day but knowing what is causing them helps as I know they will pass
The biggest problem is the hot flushes. During the day its not so much of a problem as I can open a door or a window, its a shame for the other passenger's in the car but that's life. At night its more of a pain, I have found taking the last pills late afternoon helps but the best way of controlling the night time flushes is two sage pills and a lump of hard cheese before I go to bed. Before anyone mentions cheese and dreams I was having the dreams before I discovered the cheese trick. This has almost eliminated night time flushes. The other thing that woke me in the night was the need to go to the toilet at least once sometimes twice a night. Emptying my bladder fully has helped, I was told that sitting down to pee will empty it a lot more than standing up. I do get a lot more full nights of sleep now.
Looking on the bright side at least I have time to put my affairs in order unlike say a hart attack or something. Almost finished the garage then the loft to start on.