Dear Friends,
I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who was at B2PCa @ The Mill on Saturday 18th June (and for some..Friday and Sunday too!).
As always it was great to see all of you again, and typically, laughter ruled!
It's a real tonic, this yearly boost of positivity, camaraderie and countless funny moments.
There are so many of you I need to thank personally for giving such kind support to make the day go so well.
I am bound to forget some names (I was told I looked like 'one of the walking dead' when I rose from my crypt this morning. Yes, I get compliments galore in my house but if I miss anyone out, you can be sure I'll be posting with grovelling apologies later.
So here goes:
Janet (JLBatty) for organising the excellent raffle, and handling the PCUK 'stall' (it was just a table really, but 'stall' sounds grander innit?)
There were so many prizes on offer, and it wouldn't have been possible without the prizes which so many of you generously provided.
Raffle raised £133, badges, bags, key rings and wristbands £38.87, and £8 was added.
Janet has sent off the money before I even got home last night, and this is the reply from PCUK:
Thank you for your gift of £179.87 to Prostate Cancer UK.
Your support could help us tame this terrible disease and cut future deaths dramatically in the next decade. You could fund groundbreaking research into better diagnosis and treatments – so we can catch more cancers earlier, reduce the risk of life-changing side effects, and help men with prostate cancer live longer and better lives.
Your support could also help us find the causes of prostate cancer and ways to prevent it, reaching out to men at higher risk to encourage them to talk to their GPs, and providing vital services like our Specialist Nurses to support men and their families.
And you’re doing it with Men United, a team of thousands of people like you who want to stop prostate cancer being a killer.
Thank you Mo (Edamo) for fearlessly stepping up to read 'THE POEM', written for us every year by our resident poet CHRIS BOOTHBY.
You managed it without a single blush, which takes some doing when you consider that Chris's verses get more outrageous by the year.
Well done you!
Our 'official' snapper this year was Chris Butcher (Exbus) along with help for his better half, Shirley.
Thank you both. I see you've already emailed me loads of photos, and they will go into the B2PCa Photo Gallery soon.
If anyone else has photos taken at the weekend, please send them in, usual address:
I must add a special thank you and a huge hug for Elsie Cooper (Kiltie) for just being there, despite her terrible illness.
Elsie was as fiesty and funny as ever, and by the way (if you're reading this, Elsie), Katrina was absolutely 'over the moon' to have won that special teddy bear you donated. It's now called 'Elsie Bear' and has a good home with a large family of caring teddies.
Anyway, thank you all for making it another thoroughly enjoyable weekend.
I would normally thank the guest speaker at this point, but I won't.
We were confronted by a 'long haired old git speaker' with an unintelligible accent. But I will thank the seven Geordies who were there, for acting as translators for the bewildered audience.
Finally, one last important message:
2017 will mark the 10th Anniversary of the B2PCa Summer get-togethers.
It will be held on SAT 1st JULY next year and I'll be issuing the information much earlier this time round.
Let's make it a 'Full House' that day. If you're already on the group email list, you'll receive the first message in a few months time.
If you'd like to be on that list, please mail me soon at the email address shown half way through this posting.
Now, I think I'll go back to bed. I'm 'cream crackered today!
Stay well my friends,