Hi everyone,
My father-in-law was diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 years ago. He has been having hormone implants since and all was going fine until recently.
He kept having problems urinating and ended up in hospital a couple of times and had to be catheterised but was then sent home.
He saw his oncologist a few weeks ago who said the cancer had invaded the bladder and would need chemotherapy as radiotherapy was not an option. He also said that he would need a blood transfusion. Three weeks ago he pitched up to see oncologist for blood transfusion prior to chemotherapy, but has been in hospital since. His Hb was so low he has had to have more units of blood, 2 stents fitted in his ureters and now has 2 nephrostomies which have had to be re-inserted twice as they fell out. He now has an infection to top it all which can't be treated with antibiotics of choice because he had a reaction to it.
He is very fed up at the moment as you can expect but he is even more worried when he is allowed home as his wife had a stroke last summer and is bed bound. It is the care that we are struggling to understand, does anyone know if he will be entitled to any care whatsoever when he comes home. He is just so worried that he will now be able to cope with the cooking etc. And I believe it's starting to play on his mind.
If anyone can share any information I would be truly grateful.
Thank you in anticipation.