I'm nearly 4 weeks post robot assisted prostatectomy.
This morning, woken by the early morning desire to urinate, I was shocked to notice that the urine had gone from normal colour to what looked like tea that's been left overnight on the pot. I understood that the colour was partly due to dehydration after not drinking enough after a brisk 10 mile walk the day before. But it was much darker than it had ever been before. I guess I thought that restricting my fluid intake before bed, so as to 'sleep' another night pad free, took precedence over hydration. When I peed for a second time a short while later, the blood in the urine was fresh, the clots small.
Blood had not been visible in the urine at all since the catheter out 2 weeks earlier, so this came as a bit of a shock. I searched here on the forum for similar experiences. Chris J gave a good description of the panicky feeling that it brought on. I gave the mugs of tea a miss today, switching to pints of dilute orange squash to sluice the bladder out, which seemed to be working by mid afternoon- just a small amount fresh blood dripping into the clear urine as I finished. Now this evening the blood is more apparent. most at the start and cessation of urination. It's not as bad as it was when peeing the second time today
I might have strained the anastomosis after the walk, in the evening, shortly before bed, when I strained a bit more than usual to deal with a constipated motion. A little bit tired, and with the bathroom cold, my usual care to avoid straining on the loo was not to the fore.
Today, I got in touch with the Uro-oncology nurse 80 miles away who said 'phone me tomorrow, even if it's better. No clarification. So, I'll 'phone her tomorrow. In the meantime, has anyone else here experienced something similar, and if so - did it just clear spontaneously? I'm guessing that It's just a game of wait and see. If this happened to you , how long did it take to clear?
I understand that it's an emergency if I have a blockage from large clots- there haven't been any and the flow is OK ( maybe I'm trying not to close off so tightly at the end of urination as this seems to make things more bloody- I suppose it could be the urethra merely squeezing out the blood that is already there rather than the pelvic floor muscles actually causing trauma and blood- I don't know). I'm after hearing someone who will share their experience. My mind has started to go into anxiety mode- 'will I be recatheterised/ need investigative surgery' etc. I'm not sleeping well so I guess logical thought isn't my strong point at the mo'..