from about 10 days after my biopsy, i started to feel as if i was sat on something, especially when driving.
I felt like i was sitting on something between the anus and scrotum..
One night at work i lifted something heavy, i got a dull ache in the groin area and just thought too much too soon after Biopsy.
I also got burning sensations down the insides of both thighs and an ache in the genital region, every now and then a slight bit of back ache.......walking seems sometimes to help ease or stop the symptoms.
My Dr thought i had a groin strain, My McMillan nurse was unsure what it could be.
After a chat with one of the specialist nurses on here, she suggested i may have an infection after the
biopsy and to take this idea back to my Dr...I did and he found i did in fact have a water infection.
He gave me a weeks course of antibiotics...after a few days the symptom had eased but now at the end of the week seem to be back. So a dip test proves still got a water infection so 2nd course of antibiotics...went back today water infection gone...test sample sent to lab also clear. so Dr say no more need for antibiotics...low and behold slight burning sensation in inner thigh...again.
i start a 6 cycle of chemo tomorrow before RT and I am on Zoladex at the min
Has anyone else experienced anything like this?