Hello Ju les and welcome to the site.
What you are all feeling now is usual to all of us.
Cancer always happens to other people so the shock of diagnosis can be overwhelming.
Get hold of that Toolkit for your dad.
Try and see if he will let you as well as your mum attend consultations with him as there is always so much information to take in that it is difficult to remember all that is said.
Take a notebook and pen too and make a list before you go of questions you need answers to. It is perfectly normal so don't worry they'll think you strange.
Paul has already pointed out that there was a recent change regarding the drug abiraterone and its combined use with other treatments.
Using the Toolkit will help you ask relevant questions on the day.
One thing not to do is to Google PC. Some of the information it totally not relevant to this country and it can all prove very confusing.
We will all support you as best we can, you and your family. If there is something you want to know then please ask us before you go searching anywhere else.
The people on here are living with Prostate Cancer and its effects and its treatments so they know what they are talking about
All the best to you
Edited by member 24 Mar 2016 at 09:16
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