Grea, I didn't know you worked in CP - that's a tougher call in Australia than it is here. We must share and discuss some time.
John has been right where you are, as has Bri. In Bri's case, he decided to get on with it but in our case, John didn't really believe it so we held firm until it got up to .15 and then he finally agreed to the HT/RT - in our case, that was 2 years and 5 months post op. My dad's post-op PSA is now over 0.2 but he has decided not to do anything yet ... too many plans and jobs to do!
I know it must be frustrating to have seen a doctor who didn't really give a view but I think he was telling you the truth; the man has to decide whether to wait and see a bit longer or whether to go 'belts & braces'. Our uro was the opposite to yours, told John at just about every 3 month review the PSA was going the wrong way and salvage treatment was probably needed but J simply wasn't ready to hear it.
Presumably they were suggesting the salvage RT would be accompanied by HT? Did they indicate how long that would be for?
In the UK, they don't say there has been a chemical recurrence until the PSA reaches 0.2 or there have been three successive rises. Your husband is still below the threshold for 'undetectable' and may just be settling in to his natural level. He might not need salvage treatment at all - I think waiting to see what the next test and the one after that brings is probably very sensible.