I have found that as my incontinence lessens my ejaculation of urine at orgasm (with my soft penis) has gone. I can empathise with the need to find out what happens for yourself alone first, then you can let your other half know what to expect, and you can both go from there. She could tell you what she thinks of the urine, from hating it, through not caring, to liking it!
I did not want the pass urine with my OH during sex, but recently he asked me to remove pants and pad at night, and he wanted to 'work on me' despite the risk of a leak. That in turn has allowed me to worry less about it.
On the subject of not ejaculating, I have not found I miss having something shoot out when I have an orgasm as much as I expected but I know others who feel extremely badly about not ejaculating anything. (Difficult to separate the feelings about the dryness of the orgasm from those about having prostate cancer, I guess.)