Hi everyone, just wanted to give you an update on Dad and ask for some advice if that's ok. This is still all so new to us and I am trying not to drive you all mad with questions!
As my sister said, Dad's first Chemo was on 15 April and it all seemed to go well. Last Thursday he began to have a pain which he put down to a hernia he has (and has had for some time). The pain got worse and eventually early on Sunday morning they called an ambulance on the advise of the Macmillan nurses as it sounded like chest pains. The paramedics came and checked his heart, all was okay but given his condition they still wanted him to go to hospital.
When he initially arrived at hospital they thought it may be a blood clot on his lung or an infection as there was a shadow showing on the X-ray. They gave Dad antibiotics through a drip and fluids and he was admitted. We now known that his white blood cell count was almost 0.
On Monday Dad was told that it wasn't either an infection or a blood clot and the pain was from the cancer in his bones. He was given codeine and paracetomal for the pain. Yesterday was a very bad day for him. The chemo nurse explained how ill he had been when he was admitted.
Thankfully, he is much better today and is coming home. His white blood cell count is up to 3.1.
And now my questions............
One of our main concerns at the moment is the pain from the cancer in the bones - he says it feels much better today but is this the painkillers or in your experience, can it come and go?
Do you think the pain could be linked to the low white blood cells?
The hospital have suggested that the chemo dose may be reduced for his next session and that it can be reduced by as much as 30% without having any lesser effect - have any of you experienced this?
Dad felt reasonably well immediately after his chemo, he was exhausted on day 3 but after this he said he felt ok and carried on going to work - could this have contributed to his recent problems that led him to be admitted?
I think that's all for now but as ever, thank you all I don't know what we would do without this site,
Love always
Dawn x