Hi Lyn,
Thanks for replying, It is the oncologist that said about a month ago,as he was too ill to get chemo tablet and for dad to go into hospice,for pain management ,but he has terrible stomach pain,so was sent to hospital,to get ct scan first,and also he was so dehydrated as been so sick & had impacted bowel. The ct scan came back clear. He was on drip for 5 days,and was so exhausted,he couldn't even last the hour at visiting time & was sleeping while we were in.
He has been getting the 3 monthly hormone treatment,I will find out what.
Latest oncologist on Friday was to see about getting a hormone tablet but again too ill for that ( it costs something like £2000 a month) and he threw up twice while there,
We had to get doctor on call out yesterday, who wanted him to go in hospital,as dehydrated again. Bone pain at his back/spine now&Gave him an enema,& he can get a top up of morphine liquid up to 5 times in day 5ml spoonful,he already gets 15 in Mst tablet twice a day.
We are now awaiting the hospice nurse coming out for an assessment today& district nurse to get a special bed. He does want to be at home,but is ok about going into hospice as long as gets back out as we all do.
We just don't know how quickly he will get a bed there,my mum has been quite strong but broke down yesterday. It took her,my sister& myself to help him out of his bed. He still has his sense of humour though and was asking the doctor if he had a bet on the snooker!! God love him x