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Hormone Treatment /Radio Therapy

Posted 02 May 2016 at 21:47
Hello again,
After 8 years post my radical prostectomy my psa has gradually risen to 0.15.
I am now being advised to have three months hormone treatment to hopefully shrink any remaining cancer cells and then to have thirty three radio therapy treatments.
I am interested in all your comments and advice on what to expect from each treatment.
I am in my early seventys and am fit and active and train with weights at the gym three times a week and have no bladder problems at all !!
Thanks in advance.
Posted 03 May 2016 at 01:33

In the end it will be your decision David but if you are fit and well, then what have you got to lose?

My dad's cancer has come back 14 years post-op. His PSA has steadily climbed to over 0.3 but he has chosen not to act for the time being as his doubling time is very slow. He is 79 - I would prefer for him to have the RT but accept that it is his choice.

What can you expect? HT will probably leave you with some fatigue and muscle loss, and - depending on which HT - possibly man boobs (although a little bit of RT can be given to the breast buds to minimise pain & growth). You don't say whether you are sexually active but you may lose interest. But if it is only for 3 months then the side effects may not be too bad and let's face it, if you choose not to have treatment now you may need long term HT in the future anyway.

I am sure others will be along with their experiences and thoughts

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 03 May 2016 at 14:34

Hi David,

I see you are located in Epsom, convenient  for the Sutton Marsden where you have been referred. As you are most probably aware, this in one of the leading UK hospitals for cancer and you will receive the best assessment and treatment advice there. Having said that, it is not possible to say whether HT and RT will eradicate your cancer as it remains a possibilty that some cancer cells have moved on and may either be missed by the RT or be radioresistant. HT may mop up some cancer cells where ever they are but again can become Hormone independent. In short, when primary treatment fails, other treatments can delay cancer progression and for some buy a long time. There seems to be a growing trend to hit failed RP hard and early because cancer cells can travel and mutate. The longer they are not treated the greater the risk of this happening. However, some cancers do not further progress or do so slowly, so some patients do not wish further treatment soon. It becomes a decision for the individual.

The following are some of the side effects of HT often experienced to varying degrees by different patients :- premature tiredness and muscles being affected, lethargy, loss of libedo and erections, sore nipples/growing man boobs, weight gain, possible mood swings. RT can exacerbate this and upset bowel movements and urinary frequency. In a small number of cases it can initiate other cancers in the long term. Most men sail through the RT and the Marsden will have the expertise and modern means of delivery.

If the surname you have given in your profile is correct, you might consider deleting it to preserve privacy if this is a possible concern.

Do let us know what you decide and how it goes.

Edited by member 03 May 2016 at 14:41  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 03 May 2016 at 22:43

Thanks for replies all helps, going to Marsden tomorrow for an appointment to discus HT and RT so will let you know what the decision is.


Posted 11 Aug 2016 at 13:25
Well here I go have started six months of hormone implants and start 33 sessions of RT tomorrow at Marsden Sutton.
Have managed to lose a stone in weight before hormone treatment so am hoping my gym work and total abs classes may help.
Not sure what to expect in side effects of RT but sure my friends here will advise me.
My psa has come down from 0.017 to 0.05 after one month on HT and it is now 8 years since my prostatectomy so all comments will be appreciated.
Posted 11 Aug 2016 at 14:50

Hi David,

HT does often bring PSA down quickly and substantially but if not followed by another treatment, such as RT, the PSA can begin to rise again at some point as cancer cells adapt to loss of testosterone. RT kills some cancer cells quickly but also damages the DNA of cancer cells so that they are not able to divide successfully and die. The RT continues to cause damage for anything up to about 2 years by which time hopefully, the cancer cells previously made more susceptible to RT treatment by HT, will have died.

The possible side effects of HT/RT are mainly as mentioned in my reply of 3rd May. I would not suggest you overdo your workouts but I think if beneficial if you do as much as you reasonably can. I remember when I had my HT I was still able to play some short tennis, albeit having to sit more games out but whilst having RT at the same time the combined effects would have made this more difficult. It would have been easy to have just sat down more and watched TV but I forced myself to take long walks. I had to plan these carefully due to increased urinary frequency. In fact I marked all the WC locations in the area on a map!

Remember, that RT damages some healthy cells too but these tend to repair more readily, so the body is weakened and undergoing repair for a time.



Edited by member 11 Aug 2016 at 15:22  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 12 Aug 2016 at 09:22

Thank you Barry will keep you posted on progress.

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