Have you managed to make a decision yet ? I had Da Vinci RP Feb 2015 (Diag Nov 2014,first and only biopsy, no symptoms at all). Gleason 7 (4+3) and PSA had moved to 7.5 within 1 year from 5.2 (I had PSA tests, which I requested for 8 years)
I was very well informed by Hospital, (The GP not in the 'link' at all, albeit not an issue) however did take time to absorb everything. Looking back you do need time and not be rushed; to attempt and make the most effective solution.
The priority for me was : Find out and ask questions about my biopsy, get informed as best you can. (obviously the web is a great resource) so in this order .. 1. Give me the best chance re. tumour cell destruction/removal (as consultant said it's not the amount that exists it's how active it is or likely to be .. .. ) 2. Hopefully not be incontinent 3. Not have any long lasting ED.
Me and wife decided on RP, on basis it gives a 'baseline' re PSA; as needs to be at or near zero (0.01). Thankfully mine still is. Again there are plus/minus to how you view this. Regular PSA monitoring does raise anxiety levels; probably more for my wife than me. I guess we always want more.. I'm grateful to be as free as possible, in hospital for 1 overnight stay (out at 5pm); had catheter for 7 days only and incontinent for just one day after. ED is work in progress. Obviously no sensation of fullness, as zero ejaculate, all takes time to get used to. The whole body/mind will take time to adjust, and can recover as so many nerves are damaged, probably more RP than or RT. Again issues re. whether seminal vesicles are removed completely (as saw a reference on web about 'tips' being left, maybe this has been superseded)
The more you research, the more you discover you don't know ..
Hope this helps and all the best.
Edited by member 06 Jun 2016 at 12:02
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