My Father had a Robotic Radical prostatectomy in August last year and recovery was really good.
Some of the nerves were left behind on one side where they thought there was no cancer, but since then his PSA readings have slowly risen from 0.12 after the operation to 0.43 in the 8 months.
He know has to decide what way to go and is dreading the thought of incontinence or bowel problems through radiotherapy as although he is 70, he is fit and an active cyclist.
A major worry for me is that in the operation when they went to remove the bag that contained the prostate tissue it had become undone and the tissue had fallen out so they had to fill him back up with gas and go on a hunt for the missing bits.
The surgeon was very apologetic and said there would have to be an investigation into why the bag had come undone and it had never happened before to them.
IF any were left behind could they have attached anywhere else and started regenerating???
Thanks for any advice.