After my husband's RP Iin 2007followed by radiotherapy then monitoring for a few years, we were informed that it had come back and spread to his pelvis and lungs.
For around four years he has daily bicalutamide in conjunction with three monthly Zoladx implants but it has kept the spread at bay until now!
After a bit of a struggle to get an appointment with the urology consultant after he had his CT scan on March 26 he was informed that the consultant did not have the radiologist report.
He emailed his nurse today to ask her of the results, only to get a phone call from her to tell him that he will now be handed over to oncology because the treatment was no longer working.
I feel that he has been treated quite at times but to be told over the phone that the treatment as no longer working, well that amazed me.
Oh well, here' s hoping that a more efficient approach will happen in the new department but I wonder what treatment wil be offered?fingers crossed