Hi Heenan,
I am just coming off HT for the second time.
I was on Zoladex for 3 years 2007-2010.
When I came off, I was frustrated at the time it took for my body to get back to normal, 'normal' being easier to say than to define.
I spoke about it with my consultant who said, that with Zoladex he had been using a 'big hammer' to knock the testosterone out of my system and it would take a year or two for my body to recover.
Recover it did, but it wasn't that instant, sexual urges took time, best part of a year before I could rise to the occasion, and of course because the prostate gland had been RT'd, sex wasn't quite the same, but as they say all sex is good and bad sex is better than no sex!
The problem is that sexual desire returns somewhat in advance of sexual performance, so the first few months are frustrating. The beauty with HT is that it takes away desire and you don't know what your missing.
My PSA rose gradually, and for the first couple of years it rose in accordance with my consultant's expectations. You should ask your consultant for a target before you come off HT, that way you know where the goalposts are set.
The other good thing is that slowly but surely I lost the belly fat and started to regain muscle strength, and my body hair resumed growing.
In the third year my PSA started doubling and I had to go back on HT and have salvage treatment.
I came off HT (Prostrap this second time) last November and already I am waking with lazy lobs and feel that a full useable erection isn't too far off, and fingers crossed my PSA has stayed low.
I am doing what I can to shed the weight, I think that exercise and a sensible diet all help in recovering.
First time around I was still improving after 3 years, so I have learned to be patient. After all waiting another year is far better than the alternative of pushing up daises!