I would definitely consider the trial.
Your Dad will get extra appointments and get to know his care team well.
He will be given a random arm of treatment, some of which use some of the new drugs at the beginning of treatment as opposed to later in the disease. One arm includes the standard treatment ( which he is already getting).
If at any time your Dad feels unhappy he can leave the trial.
My husband had Arm G which was Abiraterone for 2 years plus a steroid, I think this arm is closed to new recruits now but there are plenty of others on here who have participated on other arms and I think the general consensus seems to be that it is worthwhile.
One of the findings on the trial was that early chemo benefited men with advanced disease so well, that some trusts now do it as standard.
Best of luck, this part now deciding is very difficult. Once you have a plan you will feel a little better.
All the best