I am on AS since December, and decided to take this combination of phyto and probiotics daily, since early January.
Taking 2 phyto tablet + 1 probiotics a day.
I don't know if this is more a psychological thing, but I feel good with it, things function a little bit better down there, no problems of urine leftovers, which was slightly annoying before.
I will be adding from this week also fish oil for omega 3 supplement as I have read some researches (also published in the forum) that this might help to slow down cell growth. I went for a wild sustainable fish oil version. Also reducing Omega 6 oils to healthy ones only.
As this is something in my control, why not... I feel great diet wise
My next PSA test is at the end of March and I am looking forward to it, and see the trend.
Although we have found Gleason 6, 5.7 PSA, I have it spread across the 4 areas, so high likelihood I will need a treatment in the future, but want to think in a positive way that have this diet and supplements might be a good way to tackle it in the near term future...
If not, at least I am having a healthy diet...