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Pomi-T and big Pharma

Posted 17 Jun 2016 at 21:30

Has anyone noticed how the price of Pomi-T has gone up recently?  It's unbelievable and I have found the price has risen by some £3 - 4 per pot!!  I always shopped around for the best value online deal and, until the last purchase, was able to get 4 pots at about £11 - 12 each.  Now it's closer to £15.00!

When I saw this I wrote to the manufacturers and was advised that the rights to the production have been bought by a Swiss pharma company - Helsinn.  The increase in cost - get this - is due to improved quality standards - yeah, yeah!!

After my operation I started taking Pomi-T every day and have done so for the last 4 years.  My oncologist at the time was one of the pioneers of the product and had suggested I look at it as a valuable supplement to my diet.  I agree fully with him and have stuck with it and remain with an undetectable PSA after nearly 5 years now.

The point for me is that whether my continued remission is due entirely or in part to the efficacy of Pomi-T is immaterial.  I take it because it gives me the sense and feeling that it is contributing to my continued cancer-free status - it's a comfort.

I am sad that this product is now in the hands of 'big Pharma' and has, as a result, increased so dramatically in price based on what I believe are likely to be specious grounds. 

What do others think about this?  Am I being unreasonable or a bit dull, or are we ending up as victims of the market?


Posted 16 Oct 2024 at 14:31

I have just completed the UK Yourphyto Trial - also run by Cambridge and Bedford. The doctors used a new supplement which is made in the UK - it appears to be an upgraded version Pomi-T which I have now stopped. My PSA was going up and now it stabalised again so I'm please. I also took it with a probiotic. They tell me the results will be published in January. 

Posted 26 Feb 2025 at 07:52

I am on AS since December, and decided to take this combination of phyto and probiotics daily, since early January.

Taking 2 phyto tablet + 1 probiotics a day.

I don't know if this is more a psychological thing, but I feel good with it, things function a little bit better down there, no problems of urine leftovers, which was slightly annoying before.

I will be adding from this week also fish oil for omega 3 supplement as I have read some researches (also published in the forum) that this might help to slow down cell growth. I went for a wild sustainable fish oil version. Also reducing Omega 6 oils to healthy ones only.

As this is something in my control, why not... I feel great diet wise 

My next PSA test is at the end of March and I am looking forward to it, and see the trend. 

Although we have found Gleason 6, 5.7 PSA, I have it spread across the 4 areas, so high likelihood I will need a treatment in the future, but want to think in a positive way that have this diet and supplements might be a good way to tackle it in the near term future...

If not, at least I am having a healthy diet...

Posted 17 Jun 2016 at 21:30

Has anyone noticed how the price of Pomi-T has gone up recently?  It's unbelievable and I have found the price has risen by some £3 - 4 per pot!!  I always shopped around for the best value online deal and, until the last purchase, was able to get 4 pots at about £11 - 12 each.  Now it's closer to £15.00!

When I saw this I wrote to the manufacturers and was advised that the rights to the production have been bought by a Swiss pharma company - Helsinn.  The increase in cost - get this - is due to improved quality standards - yeah, yeah!!

After my operation I started taking Pomi-T every day and have done so for the last 4 years.  My oncologist at the time was one of the pioneers of the product and had suggested I look at it as a valuable supplement to my diet.  I agree fully with him and have stuck with it and remain with an undetectable PSA after nearly 5 years now.

The point for me is that whether my continued remission is due entirely or in part to the efficacy of Pomi-T is immaterial.  I take it because it gives me the sense and feeling that it is contributing to my continued cancer-free status - it's a comfort.

I am sad that this product is now in the hands of 'big Pharma' and has, as a result, increased so dramatically in price based on what I believe are likely to be specious grounds. 

What do others think about this?  Am I being unreasonable or a bit dull, or are we ending up as victims of the market?


Posted 18 Jun 2016 at 11:51

Interestingly, now being manufactured in Italy (not Yorkshire) and the recommended intake is 2 capsules (and do not exceed the recommended daily dose), not 2-3 as it was a couple of months ago. Also, the mention of "scientifically tested in a national UK study"together with the evidence blurb on the back has been removed.

Oh, well, let's pop another couple (just in case!)





Posted 16 Oct 2019 at 08:49
I started taking Pomi-T a few weeks ago for the turmeric content to help alleviate the pain in my finger joints and to be fair although its only a food supplement it has definitely helped plus my PSA continues to drop.

Need to get some more, got the last batch of Amazon, cost was £17.50 a pot of 60 tablets.

Anyone recommend any other suppliers?



Posted 23 Apr 2020 at 10:45


This blog was brought to my attention by a number of my patients who are taking a supplement which is claiming research - which has none - and has ingredients which are concerning - my motive was to ensure patients knew this information as the information on their website is deliberately misleading and patients I see on a daily basis are confused. 

In addition, I responded to your blog because you had made a comment on the research we conducted in  our Institute which again I found misleading and needed correction - we are proud of our research portfolio and feel it should be respresented accurately.

You may know I have been designing trial for 20 years trying to empower patients to make the correct lifestyle choices - this started with information materials and now exercise and nutrition and as there is a deficit of such research I and my colleague feel we are contributing to scientific knowledge. 

FYI-I have had expenses and lecture fees from Helsinn when invited to give an international talk (but not in the UK) - as is common for chief investigators across the world and this is declared to the Hospital and University so all above board - despite your suggestions.

I hope this clears up the issue - I am  off to work on the Covid ward now to cover the medical team so will not be able to respond - and frankly will not do so again as not really sure if this is helping get the correct measure out without critcism

Posted 23 Sep 2022 at 10:21


I have been taking pomi-T for a number of year now and it has definitely helped me. It also helps my knee and hand pains from a joint wear and tear issue. I have alway bought from the main website pomi-t.co.uk and the price has never changed - as far as I can remember. It would be nice if it was cheaper though!


Posted 16 Oct 2024 at 23:02

I don't think it has a patent. It does not claim to be a medicine, it is a food. 

I'm sure it has a secret recipe like coca-cola or  Kernel Sanders KFC (other carbonated drinks and fried chickens are available). If you break in to the factory and blow the safe then you may find the recipe. There is no other way they will release the recipe.


Posted 17 Oct 2024 at 13:05

Hi all

Based on my experience and other men in the trial I spoken to, it sounds like Pomi-t will be replaced by yourphyto.

The doc's in the hospital tell me the final results will be out in January.  I was given it free, in the trial, with a probiotic which is now called yourgutplus  but unfortunately I now buy them from a local shop.  I understand it's also available online - for me it's cheaper than Pomi-t. My waterworks are a lot better and my PSA has come down so I'm  happy to take for the moment. I just hope these new people don't get gready and start creeping the price up. 

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Posted 17 Jun 2016 at 21:48

I also take Pomi-T and feel much the same, there is some evidence for its effectiveness, and the benefit of feeling I am doing something myself is beneficial.

Also agree on the price, 2 years ago I paid £10.92 a pot, now it is £15.15.

Hopefully Helsinn will not muck about with it. I assume that as a supplement it is not heavily regulated.



Posted 18 Jun 2016 at 08:23

The market price is the price folks are prepared to pay. I take it they see those with belief it's at least a comfort food are hooked so they try a price increase.

My comfort is spending that money elsewhere (survived nigh on 12 years without a drop) but is my comfort spend of anymore value than that- who knows?


Posted 18 Jun 2016 at 11:51

Interestingly, now being manufactured in Italy (not Yorkshire) and the recommended intake is 2 capsules (and do not exceed the recommended daily dose), not 2-3 as it was a couple of months ago. Also, the mention of "scientifically tested in a national UK study"together with the evidence blurb on the back has been removed.

Oh, well, let's pop another couple (just in case!)





Posted 18 Jun 2016 at 14:37

I tried to post a link ( 2015 uk study) The write up seemed to refer to AS guys?

Posted 28 Aug 2016 at 11:53

Yes I too have noted the wholly unjustified increase in 2 years. I tackled an online website who promote Pomi T in their information (generally useful especially regarding diets and prostate cancer).

They in turn contacted Helsinn - this is their reply:

"Unlike other supplement they only use highest grade, more expensive ingredients Unlike other supplements they test for authenticity, purity and toxins So not only are these ingredients more expensive these tests add several thousand of pounds to each batch but ensures uniquely superior product. These test are rare for the product at a similar or higher price on the shelfs (sic)of most stores."

And this was my response!

Of course such ingredients must be rigorously tested, we would expect nothing else in a health product aimed at cancer patients. The problem with Helsinn's reasoning however is that such testing surely would have also applied to Pomi - T  two years ago when the price was just about acceptable. Let us not forget that the original testing which brought about the publicity was undertaken using UK manufacturer's capsules. Were these not of high quality - I very much doubt it. 

So what has caused the increase? Certainly not the ingredients. By example, let's take pomegranate, possibly the most expensive ingredient. A Pomi--T capsule has 300mg; Simply Supplements sell 240 capsules for £14.99, and each capsule contains 10,000mg. 

I'm afraid I stand by my assertion that somewhere along the line these increases are the result an exploitation to see what price point the market will tolerate. Meanwhile cancer patients, such as myself, are readily expected accept this. In my case the answer is no  - I will not.


Posted 25 Sep 2016 at 20:30

As far as I can tell, the only difference since Helsinn took over manufacture is that the casing is now vegetarian.  Maybe that is what makes it more expensive.

I was disappointed when I realised manufacture had moved out of this country, but I'm sticking with it.  Robert Thomas's research is pretty solid.

Posted 27 Sep 2016 at 07:14

Hi Guys,

There was a television programme last week, on BBC, that Dr Molesely, (Not sure of the spelling but you know who I mean)

They were doing a trail, with if I remember correctly Newcastle University, giving Turmeric to volunteers and testing how it effected some genetic marker linked to cancer.

The result was that those who introduced turmeric into their cooking showed a marked effect, while those who took a turmeric supplement showed no change.

The conclusion being that something happens to the turmeric in cooking, might be the heat, or the combination with oil or something similar.

They have known for years that this principle applies to tomatoes, raw tomatoes are good for you, but cooked tomatoes are even better, the cooking releases the good stuff in a way which enables your body to absorb it.

So while on the one hand I have been taking Pomi-T for a few years now, it might be time to revert to more curries, more broccoli, and more tomato ketchup?



Posted 27 Sep 2016 at 08:34

My Onco, the one who has a hand in Pomi-T, says that taking the capsules has kept me off HT for longer in this pause phase, so I will be still buying it!


Posted 16 Oct 2019 at 08:49
I started taking Pomi-T a few weeks ago for the turmeric content to help alleviate the pain in my finger joints and to be fair although its only a food supplement it has definitely helped plus my PSA continues to drop.

Need to get some more, got the last batch of Amazon, cost was £17.50 a pot of 60 tablets.

Anyone recommend any other suppliers?



Posted 16 Oct 2019 at 12:17

£16.00 per 60 capsules (+£6.40 p&p) if you buy in bulk (7+ packs).



Posted 16 Oct 2019 at 15:49

Bought 4 packs for £65 from amazon.co.uk yesterday (free delivery even without Prime).

Works out £16.25 per pack of 60.

Posted 16 Oct 2019 at 18:30
Is there any evidence whatsoever that diet can have an impact on the progress of prostate cancer?



Posted 16 Oct 2019 at 19:34

The Prostate Cancer Research Foundation found some limited evidence that diet may slow down or speed up the progression of advanced PCa, but there was no evidence that it makes any difference to men that have had radical treatment or are on AS. 

Turmeric does appear to be a bit of a magic bullet though, with all sorts of health benefits and it seems from posts on here that some medics are more positive about Pomi-T than anything else.

Edited by member 16 Oct 2019 at 19:34  | Reason: Not specified

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 17 Oct 2019 at 10:04

Daily Pomi T, green tea and lycopene didn’t stop my PSA rising 2 years after RP

Posted 17 Oct 2019 at 14:46

but maybe they stopped your PSA rising 1 year after RP.

It's just impossible to know.

I take Pomi-T on the basis it is at worse, harmless, and if it's better than harmless, then good.

Same with MCP, although that does actually have several proper research projects suggesting it's significantly better than harmless.

Posted 17 Oct 2019 at 15:19
Pomi -T has got things in it that cancer doesn't like namely broccoli, Turmeric, pomegranate and green tea.

Turmeric has certainly eased the early morning joint pain the Prostap was giving me so I reckon it's doing more good than harm in my case.

Keep taking the tablets👍

Posted 01 Nov 2019 at 19:12
I use Prosta Phenol it has essentially the same ingredients but is usually cheaper, it’s £10.99 for 60 at the moment Promi-t is £18.22 for 60. I’ve been using both for over 3 years and can’t tell the difference.
Posted 22 Apr 2020 at 11:40


Thank you for your post

I symphatise with your comments about price - I was the chief investigator of the original Pomi-T RCT but the product has now gone out to the big world and as you know made by a Swiss Pharmaceutic company - which I or and any member of the research team have no control over them - I have contacted them an the say the extra QA require to match the original specification for the trial is expensive (weak pound etc etc)

Anyway your post was brought to my attention recently and here are my views:

 In my view these  products should not even be compared . Pomi-T was evaluated in a National randomised trial and is now made under the quality assurance of the Pharmaceutical company.

Prostaphenol does not have the same ingredients as pomi-T - it has not undergone any research so we have absolutely no idea whether it is safe. Of more concern it  has 20 time the concentration of caffeine in the higher tea extract and the company has no apparent explanation why they have included cloves and Peppermint in the blend both of which may influence androgen levels and were rejected outright by our scientific committee

Obviously there are many over the counter dietary supplements in a fairly unregulated industry but I personally would go for one which has be proven to be safe rater than one which has been hashed together by a company making false claims of research on their website - a poor reflection on them

While I am here - I am sure you agree that diet is just one part of a self help strategy - getting enough vitamin D, exercise, reducing process sugars - it mention just a few wasy to keep-healthy after cancer! (Link removed)

I hope this helps


Edited by moderator 23 Apr 2020 at 20:21  | Reason: Link to sales removed.

Posted 23 Apr 2020 at 10:45


This blog was brought to my attention by a number of my patients who are taking a supplement which is claiming research - which has none - and has ingredients which are concerning - my motive was to ensure patients knew this information as the information on their website is deliberately misleading and patients I see on a daily basis are confused. 

In addition, I responded to your blog because you had made a comment on the research we conducted in  our Institute which again I found misleading and needed correction - we are proud of our research portfolio and feel it should be respresented accurately.

You may know I have been designing trial for 20 years trying to empower patients to make the correct lifestyle choices - this started with information materials and now exercise and nutrition and as there is a deficit of such research I and my colleague feel we are contributing to scientific knowledge. 

FYI-I have had expenses and lecture fees from Helsinn when invited to give an international talk (but not in the UK) - as is common for chief investigators across the world and this is declared to the Hospital and University so all above board - despite your suggestions.

I hope this clears up the issue - I am  off to work on the Covid ward now to cover the medical team so will not be able to respond - and frankly will not do so again as not really sure if this is helping get the correct measure out without critcism

Posted 24 Apr 2020 at 12:35

I am grateful for all the information posted on this thread

I was diagnosed 6 months ago, chose AS, and have been trying to get the best information to help myself  so far I have taken extra vitamin D, have lost 1 and a half stone, eaten more veg less meat and taken Pomi-t. My PSA is stable (8-7.5)but of course no idea what it would have been without these (I feel very well - maybe just in the mind). From the information above I certain will not be changing anything.

There does seem to be confusion about take extra fish oil supplements - does anyone know about whether these help?


Posted 24 Apr 2020 at 13:55

Mike, have you bought the Prostate Care cookbook - published by Prostate Cancer Research UK and available on Amazon and other places. One of the few peer reviewed, research based diet books available.

As with other foods, it is better if you can include oily fish in your diet rather than take supplements. Here is the NHS advice not to take omega / fish oil supplements:



Edited by moderator 13 Jul 2023 at 06:54  | Reason: Not specified

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 24 Apr 2020 at 15:57

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

As with other foods, it is better if you can include oily fish in your diet rather than take supplements. Here is the NHS advice not to take omega / fish oil supplements:


Ouch, I've not seen that before.

I don't take fish oil supplements, but I do eat a lot of salmon, which is high in omega-3 fish oils. I found about 10 years ago, it stopped some joints aching which had been aching for a few years (and they've never ached since).

Edited by moderator 13 Jul 2023 at 06:58  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 24 Apr 2020 at 16:02
I still get as much fish into John as I can - but he did stop taking the Omega tablets after this was published. I can't remember the details of the research now but from memory, most of the participants had far higher levels in their system than could be achieved just from diet so the assumption was that they were taking supplements.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 23 Sep 2022 at 10:21


I have been taking pomi-T for a number of year now and it has definitely helped me. It also helps my knee and hand pains from a joint wear and tear issue. I have alway bought from the main website pomi-t.co.uk and the price has never changed - as far as I can remember. It would be nice if it was cheaper though!


Posted 23 Sep 2022 at 15:27

Yep been on the Pomi T's for about 3 years now. Always take one with my breakfast, it's become a ritual.

Get mine from Amazon.

Posted 16 Oct 2024 at 14:31

I have just completed the UK Yourphyto Trial - also run by Cambridge and Bedford. The doctors used a new supplement which is made in the UK - it appears to be an upgraded version Pomi-T which I have now stopped. My PSA was going up and now it stabalised again so I'm please. I also took it with a probiotic. They tell me the results will be published in January. 

Posted 16 Oct 2024 at 19:39

Hi All,

 I wonder if anyone knows when the patent on the original formulation of Pomi-T is due to expire?  I've tried a Google search, but couldn't find anything quickly - just a link to a government website which produces a list of all current patents, but with no search facility for an individual entry.  I've also tried to find out via Google when it was first marketed, so that I might be able to hazard a guess as to when the patent is likely to expire.  Even the Pomi-T company, which reports on the randomised control trial of Pomi-T, doesn't actually say when the trial concluded, let alone when the formulation was patented.  My thinking is that, once the patent expires, cheaper, generic versions may become available.

Many thanks for any suggestions as to how to obtain this information.

Best wishes,


Posted 16 Oct 2024 at 23:02

I don't think it has a patent. It does not claim to be a medicine, it is a food. 

I'm sure it has a secret recipe like coca-cola or  Kernel Sanders KFC (other carbonated drinks and fried chickens are available). If you break in to the factory and blow the safe then you may find the recipe. There is no other way they will release the recipe.


Posted 17 Oct 2024 at 13:05

Hi all

Based on my experience and other men in the trial I spoken to, it sounds like Pomi-t will be replaced by yourphyto.

The doc's in the hospital tell me the final results will be out in January.  I was given it free, in the trial, with a probiotic which is now called yourgutplus  but unfortunately I now buy them from a local shop.  I understand it's also available online - for me it's cheaper than Pomi-t. My waterworks are a lot better and my PSA has come down so I'm  happy to take for the moment. I just hope these new people don't get gready and start creeping the price up. 

Posted 25 Feb 2025 at 14:09

Hello all

I have been following the interesting presentations at ASCO Urology 25 (San Francisco) and the results of the trial from Cambridge which used Yourphyto plus a probiotic  were presented

This seems to be the official report which can be read 

I also found this summary which is easier to read



Posted 26 Feb 2025 at 07:52

I am on AS since December, and decided to take this combination of phyto and probiotics daily, since early January.

Taking 2 phyto tablet + 1 probiotics a day.

I don't know if this is more a psychological thing, but I feel good with it, things function a little bit better down there, no problems of urine leftovers, which was slightly annoying before.

I will be adding from this week also fish oil for omega 3 supplement as I have read some researches (also published in the forum) that this might help to slow down cell growth. I went for a wild sustainable fish oil version. Also reducing Omega 6 oils to healthy ones only.

As this is something in my control, why not... I feel great diet wise 

My next PSA test is at the end of March and I am looking forward to it, and see the trend. 

Although we have found Gleason 6, 5.7 PSA, I have it spread across the 4 areas, so high likelihood I will need a treatment in the future, but want to think in a positive way that have this diet and supplements might be a good way to tackle it in the near term future...

If not, at least I am having a healthy diet...

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