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After radium 223

Posted 29 Jun 2016 at 09:10
My dad was diagnosed in March 2014 with advanced prostate cancer mestatisis with Gleason score 9,since then he's had the hormone implant every 3 months along side other hormone treatment with no effect after couple months on each,in May 2015 having had a lot of hip and spinal compression he was given radiotherapy 1 big dose,this helped but only for a few weeks then pain came back even worse,he was then given 5 days worth of radiotherapy,that worked well for him,reducing the pain manageable with pain relief once we got the dose right,in October 2015 we were told the enzalutamide wasn't working so on to the next thing for him which was radium 223,6 treatments is all he's allowed taking us 6 months on we are told that the cancer continues to spread now in the lymphoglands around the heart and hip and armpits,2 nodules in the right lung,to weak for chemo,now we have precious time as we don't know how long he will be here now,absolutely devastated dad can't stop crying,feel so lost and hopeless at the moment life is so unfair
Posted 29 Jun 2016 at 11:30

Ah Lost, what a horrible position to be in. I feel for you and your family.

I know that other members have had similar scenarios with husbands etc and I am sure that somebody will be along to support you at this sad time.

Have you approached Macmillan yet, or is there a possibility that dad could get into a local hospice for pain management?

I know that there is information regarding finances etc that others can help your dad with.

This is a very precious time for you all I know and now is the time for trying to get that pain under control so that your dad has some quality of life and can spend it with you all in a good way.

Thinking of you



We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 29 Jun 2016 at 14:42

Lost, so sad to read your post but please be strong for yourself as well as for your dad.

I have nothing to offer except my sincere wishes and thoughts for you and your family and hope that your dad copes.

Make some memories with whatever quality time that you can all get.

Regards Chris/Woody

Life seems different upside down, take another viewpoint

Posted 29 Jun 2016 at 15:01

I'm really sorry to have read your post and wish you and your family well during the time you have with your Dad. You know that you'll have continued support from us here on this site. Stay strong and also look after yourself too.

Best wishes ,


Posted 29 Jun 2016 at 15:12

Hi Lost
So terribly sorry to hear things have reached this stage for you all. Sending strength and wishes. Some very clever people on here that can help you with any questions ok.

Posted 29 Jun 2016 at 16:22
I really feel for you. My OH is in similar position the only difference he is strong enough for cabazitzxel which he starts next week.

Take care thinking of you at this difficult time.


Posted 29 Jun 2016 at 16:49
So very sorry to hear about your Dad, it must be so upsetting to see him like this it's such a devastating disease. I am sending you lots of love and support for what it's worth, be strong and take care

Debbie x

Posted 30 Jun 2016 at 10:08
Dear Lost

We can only send you our love and understanding. Somehow the support and love of fellow travelers helps through hard times.

We have had several forum members take this path where nothing really helped from day one, it's a relentless journey and very frightening for everyone concerned. My advice, for what it's worth, is to see your dad as much as he can cope with, laugh and talk about lovely family times and not too much about the cancer, unless he wants to.

Good advice about contacting your local hospice for support if you have one, they are fantastic at helping with pain relief and making life a little more comfortable and normal for the person concerned and the family. Our hospice nurse will come out and visit and always manages to cheer us up.

Thinking of you


Devonmaid xxxx

Posted 30 Jun 2016 at 11:41

Hi Lost

I've been through a similar situation with my husband and I really do sympathise. It's all so frightening and such a roller coaster. Try to enjoy the little things and make some good memories. As others have said make sure you contact your local hospice or Macmillan nurse if you haven't already. They can provide all sorts of aids to make things a little bit easier and are also brilliant at re-jigging medication to your dad feel as well as possible. They are also a great listening ear for the carers.

Thinking of you

Rosy x 

Posted 30 Jun 2016 at 14:05
Thanks to all of u for replying,we're taking each day as it comes,he's still trying to come to terms with all the news but we will get there,we've lost a lot of family members to cancer,my dad is the youngest of 12 and he's the only boy left,6 of them died of cancer all different and only 2 remaining sisters one 90 with breast cancer and one 82 fit as a fiddle my dads 68,it's just so pitiful when he's seen so many pass away he's terrified and broken hearted to miss seeing the grandchildren growing up that's the worse thing for him,we are being forwarded to St. Peter's hospice for support and pain management ready for when the time comes but I don't think ur ever prepared to be honest,,I only pray he doesn't suffer that's a big scare for me to watch him go through the pain this cancer causes,I'd just like to thank everyone who comments as it is a relief to know other people feel the same xx
Posted 30 Jun 2016 at 21:52

Hi Lost
I'm sorry to read your sad post, Don't know what else to say other than i am thinking of you,
Please take care
Viv x

The only time you should look back is to see how far you have come
Posted 09 Aug 2016 at 08:53
It's August 9th and dads still going not as strong now and very frail but pain free for now and still able to sit outside in the sun for 5 mins which is fantastic,he is however having some spells of shaking and buzzing in his head so he has a head scan arranged hopefully the cancer has not spread to his brain,I'm hoping we can hold on to him pain free for a little longer as meds he's taking could more than likely be causing it,in the mean time while the suns out I'm going to enjoy as much time with him as I can get,let's hope it's pain free x
Posted 09 Aug 2016 at 11:36

So glad to hear your dad's pain free and able to get some enjoyment out of the sunshine.

Thinking of you x

Posted 14 Oct 2016 at 20:18

It's October and never thought that dad would still be here but he is,still fighting has a bed downstairs now but he's still with us,he has a driver in to control pain increasing daily for now but as long as he's pain free or as free as can be that's all we can hope for,,,,,

Posted 14 Oct 2016 at 23:04

I just wanted you to know that I read but don't always comment on your posts and I hear you my heart goes out to you.

Stay strong


Julie xx

Posted 15 Oct 2016 at 00:47

Hi Lost, it is so difficult at this stage, you can end up torn between the dread and heartbreak of losing someone and a wish that it will all be over swiftly and without suffering so it is good to read that dad's pain is being controlled.

What happened with the head scan?

Thinking about you x

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 15 Oct 2016 at 15:44
Hi Lost

I wish there was something I could say that would make a difference but I can't. With my own Dad I was thankful for each day he was here as long as he wasn't in any pain and I am selfishly grateful that it gave me the opportunity to say everything that I needed to say.This made a big difference to me afterwards.

Thinking of you at this difficult time.


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