My dad was diagnosed in March 2014 with advanced prostate cancer mestatisis with Gleason score 9,since then he's had the hormone implant every 3 months along side other hormone treatment with no effect after couple months on each,in May 2015 having had a lot of hip and spinal compression he was given radiotherapy 1 big dose,this helped but only for a few weeks then pain came back even worse,he was then given 5 days worth of radiotherapy,that worked well for him,reducing the pain manageable with pain relief once we got the dose right,in October 2015 we were told the enzalutamide wasn't working so on to the next thing for him which was radium 223,6 treatments is all he's allowed taking us 6 months on we are told that the cancer continues to spread now in the lymphoglands around the heart and hip and armpits,2 nodules in the right lung,to weak for chemo,now we have precious time as we don't know how long he will be here now,absolutely devastated dad can't stop crying,feel so lost and hopeless at the moment life is so unfair