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Newbie PSA rises from 3.1 to 7.5 in 14 months

Posted 01 Jul 2016 at 15:38
Hi, hope I didn't bore everyone to death with my first post, but as I'm hoping from some answers from you guys I feel that you have to know all the ""stuff"

So the following day, mobile phone pings with message "Test Results....no action needed" well this isn't what I want to hear at all....plus remember, there was blood in my urine so how can that be "no action needed" ....ring doctors told I'll need to ring in two days time (no way I'll be a basket case by then), play the "potential cancer" card and get a late appointment.....See a different doc....very on the ball....explain my concerns she understands....ask how my test came back "no action" when there was blood in the urine? She checks and says that it was on the report......Huh?

Explain my concerns about my psa rise with no obvious infection, plus the backache.....checks and pushes and prods my back, is non- committal but says that metastasis is unlikely ( doesn't stop me thinking it though)... Plus I tell her I have in the last day or two developed sciatica type pains in both legs....more in the left one.....she puts it down to the existing backache..

Forgot to mention that the Dr I saw on Monday who ordered the urine and blood test did a DRE and said gland felt enlarged but nothing untoward...

So this doc sees I'm concerned, gives me a referral to either Maidstone or Tonbrige Urology dept in the next 2 weeks (fast-track)

So now I go home do some more research (maybe too much knowledge is dangerous) read about aggressive cancers being associated with rapid rises in PSA......plus sciatica like symptoms are one of the first things to show up along with hip and back pain in advanced PCa. So now you can Imagine I AM a basket case......keep having panic attacks which is only upsetting my poor wife, who is trying to be strong and positive for me......but I'm doing neither of us any favours (never thought I would be like this but who knows how anyone responds to this kind of stuff....)?

So I'm obsessively scouring the prostate cancer forums and googling everything in sight, which I know probably isn't a good idea but it's the only "control" I have over something I can't control....

So my symptoms are nagging back pain which comes and goes, and can wake me up....Sciatica type symptoms in mainly left leg and slight tingling in toes.

Nagging pain in groin which comes and goes and feels as though I've been kicked in the testicles. Plus the PSA rise over the 14 months as mentioned in previous post. Plus 1 time slight blood in urine

Just wondering if any of you guys out there have had anything similar or could shed some light on what's happening?

I of course want it to be BPH or Chronic prostatitis that's caused the raise, but would BPH cause these symptoms? I know prostatitis can have these symptoms but it's the backache and leg tingling that's freaking me out......Plus anyone out there had that kind of spike in PSA and what caused it? any ideas or suggestions will be amazingly welcome.

Thank you for reading this small novel...

Tony (DrDRE)

Edited by member 01 Jul 2016 at 16:57  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 01 Jul 2016 at 17:32

Sorry that you've had to post your concerns and I can understand what you are saying.

In 2011 when I was 54 I saw one of the partners at my practice about back pain and sciatic nerve problems. I also had 'tingling' in my feet too. As I hadn't been to my practice for over 10 years or so I was subjected to loads of blood tests. I also had an x-Ray through my pelvis to check if there was any damage showing to confirm why I was having problems.

When I was called back to see my GP to discuss my results I was told that other than usual wear and tear to my hip, nothing adverse was showing. I was sent to a physio for treatment. This has now been helped by exercises and the re-positioning of the car seat and steering wheel.

I also asked for a Psa test as I knew of friends going through the same ( 1 then dx'd with PCa) . I was also called back for the results of the Psa, which showed a score of 7.6. The doctor carried out a DRE and said it felt enlarged. She then said " I don't know what to do ". I cannot believe she said that now upon reflection!

I asked what should I do and was told to come back in a few years time. I remember only too well that anxious time now 5 years go.

When I returned 3 years later (at 57) and saw a different doctor, my results came in at 33.5 and was immediately referred. I'll never know whether I would have been eligible for surgery 3 years earlier or not now and went down the HT/RT route. This different doctor is excellent and also very supportive to PCa patients.

So I would advise you to keep abreast of the situation and not let the matter drop. I had no obvious symptoms other than perhaps some ED ( then far too embarrassed to discuss such a personal situation - not any more !).

At my first meeting in the urology department I mentioned the hip pain and was sent immediately for a Nucleur med bone scan alongside MRI scans. All was showing as clear fortunately other than PCa and spread to lymph nodes and seminal vesicle.

Needless to state I refuse to see the first doctor at my practice now.

Good luck ,


Posted 01 Jul 2016 at 18:28
Hi John, thank you for your reply,

I can't believe in this day and age that a gp can be so stupid. Men in our age group have a cut off of 3 and from what I read lots of urologists especially in the US believe it should be lower. My first PSA test at 48 was 1.2 (I didn't even ask, the doc said it was within the range and I left it at that) 8 years later it was 3.3 and then 3.1 on retest...My doc was going to refer me but because I thought that 3 was "Safe" I wimped out and agreed to test every 6 months (no good beating myself up over that now).test was same for three more readings, I then got complacent and left it for 14 months and the rest is history.....I would have thought that you could sue your GP for incompetence.

I know every case of PCa is different but your story has made me feel better.

I hope that your recovery is ongoing

Many thanks


Posted 01 Jul 2016 at 18:50

At the age of 46 to 47 , my PSA was 4 then 6 then 4 at consecutive tests. No action. Then it hit 15......... and onwards. The rest is history. Yes they were VERY complacent given the evidence. Sue ?? Only the strong do that , and I'm not feeling like an extra battle 😀😀

Posted 01 Jul 2016 at 19:25

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I was annoyed by my first GP's handling of the situation but as I have seen a brilliant doctor since then at the same practice, I'm not sure sueing would achieve anything. Others have also mentioned this to me too. Chris is right, only the strong do that!

In fact if I'd had had treatment 5 years ago I would have had to have driven a 50 mile plus round trip on the M25 but fortunately my nearest hospital opened a new RT centre only 3 months before I started treatment there. And it's only 2 miles from home and takes 5 minutes to drive there. So there was a silver lining there.

I'm doing fine now thanks, have another Onco appointment at the end of this month and am generally "getting on with life ". Occasional hiccups but I put that down to hormone therapy !

I really hope everything goes well for you too and that you are not dx'd with this disease. But if you are, then you know where we are.

Stay strong and positive. Worrying is not going to help you but that is ever so easy to say and look after your wife. She sounds great, my wife has been brilliant throughout everything I've had to cope with.

Best wishes,


Posted 01 Jul 2016 at 19:30
Thank you John, I really appreciate that.....at the moment it's only my wife that's keeping me together at the moment......that and the diazepamm 😊
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