I am 64 years old company executive; diagnosed with carcinoma prostate 5 months back(March.2016). Glyson score 7(3+4). Pet scan result shows intense PSMA in the enlarged prostate gland and moderately PSMA mildly sclerotic lesion in D!@ vertebra and right public bone and nowhere else in the body. Bone scan also confirms the above with rest of the skeletal system appears normal. I am feeling slight discomfort in my hip area- only when getting up from bed or from chair. There after nothing.
I have started taking hormone therapy injunction(ELIGARD) + Zorrent inj in every 3 months. My highest PSA level before starting the treatment was 39 ng/ml. Now it has come down to 0.2 ng/ml. My doctors have advised me to continue with hormone therapy treatment. Radiation therapy was planned earlier but doctors postponed it to be considered later.
Of course, I am getting right medical advice; still I would to share with others in this forum for their opinions/advice from their experience.
My concerns:
1. Side effects
2. Required to travel and stay other places; any issues to be taken in to account.
3. How do you find my present mode of treatment from your experience?
4. How far do you find from your experience hormone therapy effective in cases like me.
5. When PSA level has come down far below normal, any opinions from your experience whether I can have an intermittent hormone therapy.
Thank you.