Well, Tony's one shot at Cabazitaxel looks like being his only one. It has been postponed repeatedly, and it is no longer feasible. The cancer is now well established in his bone marrow, and his platelet count is too low, and general state too weak, for chemo to be advisable, or likely to help. PSA is now up to 360, ALPS 2500. Hb is still low (97) despite a transfusion a week ago. Tony is still quite weak and breathless, and not eating so well now.
The onco has prescribed a hormone tablet, dutasteride, which he says may help a little, but we really think this is more of a placebo than a drug likely to be useful. Other than that, treatment is now just steroids and pain killers, and the three-monthly decapeptyl injections to keep the testosterone switched off.
On Friday we will have a visit from the palliative care nurse, who will discuss pain management and care options. We have thought and talked a bit more together, and with the onco, about the Big Issues. I feel oddly calm so far - we have been dreading the approach of this stage for so long, but somehow I feel less anxiety now that it is actually beginning.
I suppose the next time I start a thread will be in the End of Life section or the one on emotional issues. The active treatment phase is over, and we have to move on. I know I will not be alone, and others will be at a similar stage, to share experiences and support.