I had a fifty mile round-trip for my sessions which I found fairly straightforward.
The only down-side was that my hospital randomised the session times (for fairness I expect) so sometimes I had a late session (7 pm) followed by an early one (7:30 am) which I could have managed but for convenience I stayed in the local travelogue.
I was never 'caught-short' but the earlier advice about taking a bottle was a good one. It's also worth doing a recce of the conveniences en-route.
My biggest problem was remembering how many cups of water (of only three) I had drunk - you wouldn't think that would be a problem but the RT social club congregated around the water cooler and I got side-tracked pretty easily. I got around that by filling a plastic bottle with three cups of water and decanting from that.
Because our unit was busy and ran almost a conveyor belt system, I took a lightweight dressing gown rather than fiddle with those hospital gowns, which I found a bit time consuming.