Hi Andrew, you have better stats than a lot of guys on here and I would say that you appear to be in the "curable" camp compared to worse case scenarios. Once you know all the scores and scan results you MDT will put forward a treatment plan which could be active surveillance, HT/RT or even a Prostectomy, but finding information about all or any of these is best confined to this site and not DR Google.
You can ask any questions that you like on here as there are no taboos, you can get "the toolkit" from publications or phone the number given and they will send one to you.
Take a pen and notepad or someone with you to any appointments as things can be forgotten or misheard. Also write any questions down in advance so that you can ask your specialists and get the best information that you can before having to make that decision.
Best wishes for the future and hopefully it will not be too rough a ride.
Life seems different upside down, take another viewpoint