Hi Paul.....
Before I decided on which treatment to have I did hours of research on each individual treatment.
After making several 'for and against' lists and several discussions with both my consultant and also my wife (who it will affect as mush as me) I went down the Radiotherapy road.
My rational behind my decision was that although the treatment programe is far longer than the surgical or Brachotherapy one, the possible side affects seemed not only less but less severe if you were unfortunate to get any.
And like you I had concerns about the incontinence, so following a discussion with the consultant, he suggested as I was generally pretty fit and not a great age (65, I know some would call that ancient😕) if I should suffer damage that caused incontenence I would have to put up with it for many years (Hopefully) so he would not recommend it.
Before my radiotherapy could begin I had to have three weeks of hormone tablets on a daily basis and also have been having monthly hormone injections (Prostrat).
The hormones, I have to say make me quite tired and initially gave me headaches about an hour after each injection but these have now stopped, the only other problems they gave me was quite severe flatulence, which again has disappeared as time has gone on and a little 'PMT' (according to the wife anyway), this is a bit hit and miss, sometimes I get it, some times I don't.
The actual RT I started last Tuesday, so have now had 4 sessions.
The first couple did not have much affect at all but from the third one started to make me very tired and when I got home had to have a lie down for a couple of hours, as I did yesterday after the fouth.
However this morning I have not been anywhere near as tired or worn out as I was yesterday so hopefully I am now getting used to the treatement.
I f I can help you with anything else you have concerns with just let me know, I am quite happy to pass on anything I learn about RT as my treatment goes on.
Hope this has been a help to you to make your decision, but remember, it has to be YOUR decision based on what you feel comfortable with.
All the best
Edited by member 27 Aug 2016 at 13:30
| Reason: Not specified