Hello Ladyluna and welcome from me too.
I echo what Arthur said. It would be much better for you to start again with a thread of your own. Some threads peter out after a while and you might get missed on this one if that happens.
You could look at the Publications section and get hold of The Toolkit which you might find helpful. As advised by Arthur, try and go with your dad, if he'll let you, to the appointments or at least encourage him to take a make friend because there is so much to take in at first. He might be more comfortable with a man than with his daughter due to personal issues arising during consultations.
Write down any questions and get dad (or friend) to write down the gist of the answers. It all helps to keep it co-hesive.
You are bound to be distressed and upset, especially looking after young children and coping on your own. We do all understand that horrible feeling on diagnosis.
We do have a few daughters who have posted recently and they may be along to give you their ideas on how they cope.
Ask us anything you like, but it would be easier if we had the scores on which to base advice.
Don't despair just yet. Dad is fit and healthy at the moment, although he may become tired (and tearful due to the HT) due to the RT.
Look forward to seeing your own thread later.
All the best