It's important that you have confidence in your surgeon and there is nothing wrong with doing a bit of checking.
All surgeons have to learn on somebody, but I'm sure most of us would rather say they wouldn't want it to be us!
I've had personal and life changing experience of this so I don't speak lightly. I checked with my very nice surgeon that he was actual going to do the op and he assured me he was going to oversee it. I should have delved deeper to make sure.
Yes he was in the room, I talked to him as I was awake due to an epidural. I didn't at the time think of what was happening and by whom while I was busy asking him questions. He left one of his students to do the op and it didn't go well for me, all due to inexperience.
Find out how many successful operations the new named surgeon has under his belt. He might have only done a few and all 100% successful. He might have done hundreds and only have a 50/50 success rate. You won't know until you find out.
This is a very important decision for you. Even with the most experienced and successful surgeon in the world there might still be life changing results, it does happen unfortunately and that's in the hands of fate.
What isn't though, is the confidence you have in the man himself, so be sure before you agree.
Your original scores were "light" so it's not as if you need to rush into this. Just be very very happy with who does what to your body.
I hope the surgeon is a very very skillful man to give you the best chance of a successful operation and afterlife. My fingers and everything else are crossed for you.
Best wishes