Thought I'd post about my urethroplasty I've just had, diagnosed 7 years ago with PCA and lived with a stricture ever since, always put off about having the op because quite frankly it scared the s%#t out of me, anyway it had got to the point where it was causing me real problems self dilating that I had to get it sorted, I had been suffering with kidney ache for a few years and it was only when the nurse recently said that I was putting loads of pressure on my kidneys because I couldn't empty my bladder properly that was the probable cause, my consultant also said I should think about surgery while I was young and fit enough because the longer I leave it the healing could be more complicated, that made up my mind and I duly went under the knife 6 weeks ago.
The surgery went to plan thankfully and I was allowed home the following day,a large scar from my testicles to my anus made for an uncomfortable few weeks, my stricture was below my sphincter muscle so nothing as complicated as having it done in your penis, the tissue from inside my mouth was used to replace my damaged urethra and this was the worse part of the operation, the pain at times was unbearable, sleepless nights does not help you repair, specialist nurse told me to get to my doctors for some extra pain relief, this came in the form of liquid morphine and within 2 days I was starting to feel better, after 12 days I could eat on both sides and also brush my teeth, this was by far the worse part of the operation and the urethroplasty seemed secondary. To stretch your mouth after your op is also a very important thing to do and I've been doing the exercises given me about 20 times a day.
Back to the hospital after 3 weeks to have the catheter out only to be told the operation had not sealed itself properly, I was devastated to be told the catheter had to stay in for another 3 weeks, spoke to the nurse the next day and she informed me that it's more common to go the 6 weeks than 3 weeks for catheter removal, why they didn't tell me this in the first place is beyond me!!
Back to the hospital after 6 weeks and the catheter is taken out, brilliant, what a feeling, peeing like an elephant, even if I'm not hung like one, kidneys don't ache either!!
Should I of had this done 7 years ago, definitely, am I pleased I had this done, most definitely, it is not as scarey as you think it's going to be.
The first 2 weeks are bloody hard but longterm it was the right decision.
Please understand this is my op, others will be totally different and may have pitfalls I didn't have, I felt the need to write this on here as there's so little about this procedure, thanks for reading!!