Gosh, what a week...!!!!
Started well with the treatment (RT) going smoothly, now up to session number 17, nearly half way through.
However been having a few problems with the side affects which have been a bit of a blow this week.
Having mastered the "Bladder dance" over the last few weeks I have now turned to the "50mtr loo dash", which by yesterday has come on to near Olymic standard.
With having to drink the requirerd 700ml of water 40 minutes before RT it has been getting more difficult to 'Hold water' which on Wednesday caused me a few problems, was not able to hang on at all, took three attempts to do the treatment which put my slot back half an hour each time so instead of being at there for just over an hour I was there for just under three...!!!!!
Mind you I did have a laugh with my fellow 'Bladder dancers' over my woes as most of them have experienced simular problems.
I am told by the Radiographers that my bladder has been irritated by the radiation and may in fact get worse as the "Nuckeing" goes on - looking forward to that - NOT!!!!! 😟😟😟
So I have ended the week with a few new 'Dance moves' and won the silver medal for the 50mtr loo dash as yesterday it was so bad as soon as I got off the table I yanked on my shorts, picked up my shoes and ran like Eusane Bolt to the toilet - managed to shave 9 seconds off my best time ...!!!!🏃🏃🏃
Hope my weeks RT adventure has brought a smile to your face and remember, you are not alone, you have lots of people going through the same problems and we all support one another so keep your chin up, your bladder full and practice those dance steps....!!!
Have a great weekend and see you all next week back at the 'Bunker'........😆😆