My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2012. He had to have part of his themah bone removed and strengthened as in the consultants words a few cells had spread to that area. My dad has been doing really well going for regular blood tests and oncolagy,His treatment started with the hormone injections and 1 tablet a day and the psa tests were always around 0.5 to 0.2 then it gradually started creeping up it got to 4 so they took him off the hormone injection and 1 tablet and put him on new medication of 4 really big tablets a day hes been on them now for about 10 months and his psa level went down to 0.1. He had an appointment with oncolagy yesterday and its gone back up to 1 so the consultant has said to take 5 of the tablets a day. And also thst because it has been 4 years since he was diagnosed that they should do a ct scan. Its quite worrieing thinking do they think its spresd and that is why they are doing the ct scan. I was doing well with everything i was totally devastated when he was diagonsed but then he had the op on his themah that went really well and you would not think hes had any thing done. Then hus psa tests were low results so we all were relieved. But now the devastating feeling has come back since the appointment yesterday. My dad is also my best friend and has always been the hub of the whole family. Do any one know what is a good psa level as i have reasearched it but it really dont give you what is ideal thankyou