Hi Sally,
Trevor had the Bicalutamide for nearly two years so yes it can be normal practise to take this for quite some time it reduced his PSA from the starting point of 13000 all the way down to 15 one point so yes it can be very effective.
He has been on Abbiraterone since Sept 15 so over a year and although his PSA has continued to rise it has risen slowly and he is just about to start on Raduim 223 .
His PSA at the moment is know 2000 plus but as they say everything is relative.
He is one of the first to go on Raduim and stay on Abbiraterone at the same time so a combination of the two.
Chemo is probably not on the cards for us in fact we were told in the beginning that it wouldn't be . Trevor has had 3 previous Heart attacks so it wouldn't be a wise option but for many in early diagnosis it is giving great results.
Hang on in there it might not seem like it but you are riding the Sunami and you will ride that wave.
Julie X