Oh Sally,
I so get where you are coming from Trevor also black ( just in case you hadn't noticed from our avatar ) was misdiagnosed for around 18 months not that I think it would have changed our outcome in fact I know it wouldn't because he had probably had pca for a very long time before he was diagnosed but it would have helped just to feel that we were being listened to.
Trevor had been going backwards and forwards to our GP for at least 18 months with various symptoms and it wasn't until he could barely walk that finally a Dr said hey let's do a PSA test and as they say the rest is history . PSA came back at 13000 .
It made me angry for such a long time , Afro Caribbean man over 60 , problems with his walking and water works it doesn't take the brains of an Arch Bishop but hey they said it was fibromyalgia, I knew that was not right.
We have since learnt that 3 of his half brothers have also had pca . Gps are not infallible but hey at what point did 3 separate gps not pick up on it.
Yes I blame myself also because I am generally on the ball with most things but I believed the it's an old mans diseaese story and am know so pro active in getting the message out there to young black men who are probably the hardest to target that they are 3 times more likely to get this disease and at even higher risk if they have a family member affected.
Trevor has 5 sons who I hammer regularly 😊
Julie X